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How do you use and maintain a shaving brush?

Hoe gebruik en onderhoud je een scheerkwast? - Manandshaving

Why are shaving brushes so popular?

Although many men use ready-made shaving foam, we sell shaving brushes. The shaving brush is becoming increasingly popular. We often hear from our customers that their new shaving brush really contributes to a delightful and comfortable shaving experience. Their morning ritual cannot do without it. But how should you use and maintain your shaving brush? We have compiled some tips. Of course, we distinguish between the type of shaving brush: boar hair, badger hair, and synthetic hair. The usage differs per type of hair. The maintenance is the same for every brush.

How do you optimally use a shaving brush?

First of all, you need to wet the brush with lukewarm water. Soak the brush in a bowl of water for half a minute or hold it under running water for a moment. The hairs of the brush absorb water. The beauty of animal hairs is that they soak up water nicely. Due to the structure of the hairs, a lot of water stays trapped or clings to them. And you obviously need water to lather your shaving soap or shaving cream.

Stir the shaving brush a few times in your shaving soap and you will immediately get shaving foam. Do not press the shaving brush flat into the shaving soap. It can help to moisten the hard shaving soap with water beforehand. This makes the lathering process a bit smoother. If you prefer to use a shaving cream , put a small amount of cream on your brush. Then comes the real lathering work.

We have said it before: 'Beard hairs are as tough as copper wires. But they also absorb water.' So take your time. Apply the shaving foam to your face for at least 1 minute. This will soften the beard hairs more and more. This makes shaving easier. Applying less pressure with the razor provides more shaving comfort and less shaving irritation afterwards.

Using a shaving brush

Shaving Brush made of Boar Hair

A distinguishing feature of boar hair is that it is stiff. Boar hair shaving brushes work best when you create lather on your skin with a light circular motion. Hold the shaving brush gently and do not press too hard on the skin. You create as much foam as possible with the tips of the hairs.

Shaving Brush made of Badger and Synthetic Hair

Badger and synthetic hairs are soft, flexible hairs. Badger hair shaving brushes and synthetic hair should not be pressed onto the skin with a circular motion. Instead, apply and create lather with a gentle, light tapping back-and-forth motion. You can also achieve the best foam with these hairs using the tips of the hairs.

How do you maintain a shaving brush?

A shaving brush is a handmade product, has a long lifespan, and is an environmentally friendly investment. Incorrect use, poor maintenance, and not cleaning it properly can cause the shaving brush to lose hairs. Here are some handy usage and maintenance tips for long shaving enjoyment:

  1. Wet the shaving brush before shaving with lukewarm water of a maximum of 40° C. Water that is too hot is not good for the glue or resin connection.
  2. Pick up shaving soap with a rotating motion or swirl it in the shaving soap or shaving bowl. Do not press the shaving brush flat into the shaving soap or bowl. This can cause the hairs to clump and break.
  3. A shaving brush made of boar bristles should be used on your skin with a light rotating motion. A shaving brush made of badger and synthetic hairs should be applied with a gentle back-and-forth motion. Be careful not to press the shaving brush flat against your skin.
  4. After use, thoroughly clean the shaving brush under running water. Make sure to rinse the core of the brush well. Open the core of the brush with your fingers and rinse it under the tap.
  5. After rinsing, gently squeeze the water out of the brush and flick it dry. Then, if necessary, lightly rub it on a clean dry towel.
  6. Always hang the shaving brush after use in a shaving brush holder. This allows it to dry properly.
  7. Never clean shaving brushes with (boiling) hot water or cleaning or disinfecting agents.
  8. If necessary, clean the shaving brush a few times a year with regular hair shampoo.

Shaving brush hanging upside down in a holder

What happens with incorrect use and poor maintenance?

What should you especially not do with your beautiful shaving brush? Never press the shaving brush too much or too hard into your shaving soap or on your face. Pressing it flat will cause the hairs to clump and break. See the photo below to see what happens with too much pressing:

Pressed shaving brush

A shaving brush made of badger and synthetic hair should be applied to the face with a light tapping and back-and-forth motion. Rotate these brushes as little as possible on the skin. Excessive rotation will cause the hairs in the center to wear out faster, and you will hollow out the brush in the middle. After a few years, you will get a pit in the center. See the photo below of a hollowed-out shaving brush:

Hollowed-out shaving brush

Poorly cleaning your shaving brush will eventually damage the hairs and cause them to break. This will result in a lot of hair loss with each shave. That's a shame and unnecessary.

Shaving soap (or – cream) is alkaline, especially the cheap drugstore shaving products (like De Vergulde Hand) are very aggressive and can damage the hairs of the shaving brush. We advise that if you have bought a nice shaving brush, especially use good shaving soaps or shaving creams.

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