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How should I shave and care for my bald scalp?

Hoe moet ik mijn kale hoofdhuid scheren en verzorgen? - Manandshaving

Why should I be proud of my baldness?

It's not a pleasant message, but 8 out of 10 men will deal with hair loss or baldness sooner or later. Of course, it can be quite a shock when you first experience hair loss. Many men also experience disbelief, insecurity, or shame. You can feel uncertain about it for years, but you can also proudly accept your new baldness. You can showcase your bald head as a new acquired masculinity. It becomes part of your new self. By perfectly maintaining and caring for it, your bald head belongs to your appearance just as much as your mustache and beard do. In this blog, we will tell you everything about shaving and caring for your scalp.      

The story of Dennis Baltzer from Better be Bold

Without you noticing it at first, your hair gets thinner and thinner. It usually starts at the top of the crown. You stand in front of the mirror and suddenly see your scalp appearing under your hair. Or the receding hairline at your temples gets bigger and bigger. You don't want to believe it, but unfortunately, it's irreversible. This also happened to Dennis Baltzer from the new grooming brand Better be Bold: from hair loss to a new startup.

During his vacation in Bali in 2016, he noticed that his hair was thinning and falling out. He was shocked and it caused him a lot of worries and stress. His hair loss had a significant impact on his mood. Four long years of insecurity, sleepless nights, and a lot of experimenting with hair care products and treatments to stop or reduce hair loss. During his vacation in Spain, the strong wind revealed his bald spots again. That was the moment for him to accept his baldness with pride and confidence. Because he never wanted to be one of those men who let their last strands of hair hang sideways, he had himself completely shaved bald by a barber.

The decision to shave your head is a brave and very liberating choice. According to Dennis, it was one of the best decisions of his life: be free, be happy, be bold.

After shaving his scalp, he was immediately confronted with the pitfalls of a bald head: very dry skin, annoying stubborn and visible skin irritations, and a shiny scalp. Because he couldn't find a good care product, he, along with his friend Roberto, started developing a cream specifically for caring for the freshly shaved and bald scalp.


What is hair loss and what are the causes?

Hair loss has various causes. The most common reason for hair loss is hereditary, but there are also other reasons such as stress and, for example, lack of sleep. About 80% of men will experience hereditary hair loss sooner or later. The cause is a hereditary sensitivity of the hair roots to the body's own substance dihydrotestosterone (DHT for short).

The first signs appear at a young age, usually from the age of 18. Many men probably recognize the moment in front of the mirror when you notice that your hair feels a bit thinner. Or that the hairline is receding and the temples are becoming more pronounced. This is the initial stage of baldness.

The next stage is the so-called tonsure. The scalp at the crown becomes visible and grows larger. At first, it is just a small circle on top of your head. Then the hair at both your forehead and back of the head also disappears. This is jokingly referred to as a "runway". Eventually, only a small amount of hair remains at the temples and the back part of the head.

At first, you will try to conceal the thinning spots by combing your hair over them. Or you might slightly adjust your hairstyle. You may use shampoos and conditioners to strengthen your hair. But at some point, you will reach a decision: simply accept it, do nothing, and leave your hair as it is, or shave your entire head bald and smooth.

Which razor is suitable for shaving my head?

Every day we speak to customers who ask which razor is most suitable for daily shaving of the scalp. Many men have started with the regular cartridge razor from brands like Gillette or a safety razor. After a while, many men search for a more suitable razor. The ergonomics of a regular razor with a handle is, of course, designed for shaving the face and beard. On your scalp, you have no visibility of what is happening above your head. The long handle of your razor is awkward to hold while shaving the top.

No wonder the American razor brand HeadBlade is extremely popular. We sell various razors from this brand daily. The razor is designed so that you can smoothly and controlled shave your scalp comfortably. The ATX razors are particularly popular. It has a sturdy rubber grip that makes it easy to hold. It feels nice in the hand. Due to its slightly curved shape and wide wheels, it sits perfectly and stably on the round contour of your skull. The entire design of the razor ensures that the razor blades create the correct shaving angle with your skin.


How should I comfortably shave my scalp smooth?

If you have decided to shave your head bald, it might be wise to visit a barber for the first time. You will probably receive handy tips so that you can shave your scalp bald yourself next time. You stand in front of the mirror with your new HeadBlade razor. At first, it feels awkward and a bit exciting. How do you shave your head pleasantly and comfortably smooth?

Before you start, first thoroughly clean the skin with a mild soap or cleansing gel. You can apply and distribute shaving foam on your scalp very well with shaving soap and a shaving brush. Of course, you can also use a shaving gel. A shaving gel is applied with your fingers and provides a smooth protective glide layer.

It is best to shave with the hair growth. Always start at the top of the crown and shave from forehead to back. With your other hand, follow the razor and pull the skin a little tight. Shave with calm, even, and straight movements, and do not apply too much pressure. Rinse the blade regularly while shaving. Ensure that the wheel of the razor makes contact with the skin. This way, the razor always has the correct shaving angle. After the crown, you can gradually shave the side areas bald. Use your right hand to shave the right side of your head and your left hand for the left side.

After shaving, rinse your head well with cold water and dry it.

How should I care for my freshly shaved scalp?

After shaving, the aftershave treatment and care come. The bald scalp is vulnerable and can irritate quickly:

  • shaving irritations;
  • dry flaky skin or an oily shiny skin;
  • sunburned skin.

After shaving, it is important to take good care of your skin:

  • calming the freshly shaved skin to prevent shaving irritations;
  • hydrating to prevent dry flaky skin;
  • nourishing for a healthy and vital scalp;
  • regulating natural sebum production to alleviate oily shiny skin;
  • protecting (sun protection) the skin against harmful UV radiation from the sun.

Better be Bold After Shave & Face Balm

Convenience serves the man. This balm can be very well used to calm the scalp after shaving and it has a caring effect. It contains, among other things, some super anti-aging ingredients, such as Q10 and Hyaluron. These substances reduce the first wrinkles in your skin. Men hate greasy sticky creams. This cream does not feel greasy and is immediately absorbed by the skin. It contains no animal ingredients and is therefore vegan-friendly. It is also environmentally friendly because it contains no micro-plastics and is packaged in recycled materials.

Headblade after shave balm Headlube Matte

This special neutral balm hydrates and cares for the scalp after shaving. It contains, among other things, Aloe Vera extracts. This also gives it a calming effect. Most men do not want a shiny bald head after shaving. This balm ensures a matte non-shiny scalp. Due to the light composition of the emulsion, it is immediately absorbed by the skin.


Headblade after shave balm Headlube Glossy

Unlike the Headlube Matte, this unscented moisturizing balm provides a perfect silky shine for the bald scalp.


Better be Bold Bald Cream

The bald scalp is exposed to sun and cold every day. This leads to faster drying than the rest of the face. Due to increased sebum production, you may experience an oily shiny skin sooner. The scalp is vulnerable and can quickly become irritated during and after shaving. The Bald Cream is a fresh lightly scented caring cream with active moisturizing, soothing, and protective properties. It ensures a healthy and natural matte complexion. Use this cream daily, and you won’t have a greasy shiny dome anymore.

All products from Better be Bold are vegan-friendly, contain no micro-plastics, and come in sustainable packaging made of glass or recycled plastic and cardboard.


Better be Bold Sun Fluid for Face & Scalp

This is a unique care product: care and sun protection for both the face and the bald head. It has a very high protective sun protection factor SPF30. Since it is water-resistant, it will provide protection all day long. Men absolutely hate greasy sticky creams. This light emulsion is quickly absorbed by the skin, so there’s no sticky film left on the skin. It is an unscented care product. So you don’t have to worry about smelling like sweet coconut or peach all day long.

Many sunscreens contain substances that are harmful to coral. By using these sun protection products, these harmful chemicals end up in the sea. Sustainability and the environment are a priority for Better be Bold. This sun protection cream is therefore not harmful to marine life and coral.