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Top 5 annoyances while shaving

Top-5 ergernissen tijdens het scheren - Manandshaving

Daily, we are confronted with small and large annoyances, also during the morning shaving ritual. We have compiled the biggest shaving-related grievances. Of course, we also provide some tips to prevent these annoyances. We would love to hear if these are also your irritations? We are open to suggestions.

1. Dull razor blades

Before you realize it, your razor or razor blades turns out to be dull. You've lathered your face nicely, and then you feel that the blade is pulling on your beard hairs. Since you already have the blade in your razor holder, you naturally continue shaving, even though it doesn't feel pleasant or comfortable. After shaving, you think: 'If only I had replaced the blade on time!'

Because the modern cartridge multi-blade razors from well-known brands are very expensive, people often shave too long with a dull razor. As we have mentioned before, it is precisely dull blades that ultimately cause shaving irritation during and after shaving.

Always replace the blade on a fixed day of the week. For example, a new razor every Monday. Or use a die next to your razor to keep track of how many times you've shaved. We heard this fun tip from a loyal customer of ours.

2. Shaving soap is out

In the early morning, we are not quite awake yet. Sleepily, you twist the cap off your favorite shaving soap or shaving cream only to your horror find that it is empty. To your great annoyance, your wife or partner exclaims: 'You should have bought a new shaving soap on time. I told you so!' Well, unfortunately, you can't shave nicely that morning. Out of sheer desperation, you might use a ready-made shaving foam from a spray can or shave with an electric razor.

Perhaps it's better to listen to your wife or partner next time.

3. Your partner uses your razor

Of course, you treat your shaving gear very carefully. After shaving, you always clean everything well because a clean and sterile razor is very important. Your favorite razor always hangs spotless in the special holder or shaving set. The next morning, you find out that your wife used your razor the night before to shave her leg hair. The razor is still full of gunk and hairs. You are certainly not going to use this razor anymore and it goes straight into the trash. The height of annoyance is, of course, when it turns out that your partner used the last blade. For the umpteenth time, you tell her that she should use her own razor. Unfortunately, women do not understand this.

Buy a razor with a pink or mint green handle for your partner or hide your razors.

4. Forgotten spots after shaving

After shaving, you have cleaned and stored the razor and shaving brush. You rub your fingers over your face one more time. To your great annoyance, you have not shaved a few small spots properly. Very annoying. Usually, it concerns the following areas of the face:

  • at the bottom of the neck area;
  • around the jawline and chin;
  • around the upper lip at the corners of the mouth.

For the following reason, this is super irritating:

  • despite multiple passes of shaving, you still haven't shaved these spots properly;
  • if you don't shave it smoothly, you'll be rubbing your fingers over it all day;
  • the rest of your day will be spent getting annoyed by it.

Make sure you always have a second simple and ready-to-use razor next to your favorite razor. If you indeed forgot these spots, you can quickly use this second razor as a 'secret weapon'.


5. Your shaving tools are not neatly in place

Just like in the workshop, garage, or in your own shed, the tools are always hung in a fixed place. This way, you never have to search for the tools and prevent them from getting damaged. Your shaving soap, aftershave, alum stick, razor, and shaving brush are all neatly in the right place in the bathroom. Shaving is a ritual. Every man has his own shaving system and order of shaving. While shaving, you don't want to miss anything and want to work as efficiently as possible. If someone else uses your shaving tools, they will always be left in a different order after use. Or they won't be in the right place.

Ensure you have your own lockable section in the bathroom cabinet.