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What beard supplies do you need during your Team session?

Welke baardspullen heb je nodig tijdens je Teamssessie? - Manandshaving

Since this bizarre Corona period, we have been meeting daily at home with our colleagues. In the morning, we roll out of bed towards our guest or office room and crawl behind our screens. The temptation is great to work and meet during the Teams session in your camping pajamas and unkempt week-old beard. How do you prevent yourself from looking like an unkempt TV brat? We have compiled some handy and simple beard tips.

Beard management starts with the right beard products

Just like you try to manage work on the job, you also need to manage your beard. Beard management starts with yourself by using the right beard products. If you're going to shower anyway, take care of your beard as well. Use a small amount of beard shampoo to get your beard healthy and fresh again. The beard shampoo will clean your beard and make it smell nice.

If you're already at the mirror, you can just as easily touch up the beard contours with a special mustache and beard razor. This small razor is super handy for neatly trimming the edges. If you do this daily, you'll only spend a few minutes. Your beard will then stay in shape.

If you're already touching up the beard edges, you can also immediately trim the unruly beard hairs with a beard scissors. This keeps the beard looking nice and shaped. A fluffy beard that looks like an exploded guinea pig is certainly not appealing.

After showering and using beard shampoo, it's best to apply a few drops of beard oil to your beard. With beard oil, even the most unkempt beard can look nice again. If you have a fluffy beard, beard oil will be very beneficial. You can also take good care of the irritated skin under your beard with beard oil. A dry, flaky skin or red spots will gradually diminish if you use beard oil daily.

The ultimate care for your beard is, after all, to distribute and rub in the beard oil well with a beard brush. With the beard brush, you achieve an even distribution of the beard oil. You can also easily and quickly shape the beard.

Prevent a Neanderthal beard

If you're not careful and don't do beard management, your beard will start to look like a Neanderthal beard. If you do nothing for grooming, your beard will grow on your cheeks, in the neck area, and over your Adam's apple. Your entire face will then be covered with hair. The time of the Neanderthal has long passed. How do you prevent this?

Try to touch up your beard contours every other day or every two days with the safety razor. With this razor, you can shave the beard edges very smoothly and tightly. Many of our customers with beards use this razor. The big advantage is that you can see exactly where the razor is shaving. 

Protect your skin while shaving with a transparent shaving gel from a tube. The advantage of shaving gel is that it can be easily applied with your fingers and it provides a nice smooth layer for gliding. It optimally protects your skin. Because it is transparent, you can see the beard edges very well.

Our advice is: "style your beard with a shaving gel".


To shave the beard edges on the cheeks tightly, make an imaginary curved line from the sideburns to the top of the mustache. Then, with the safety razor, shave smoothly from the starting point at the sideburns to the mustache. For the beard contours on the neck directly below the jawline and chin, you can use the following trick. Place two fingers thick just below the jawline and the chin. This creates an imaginary line from one side to the other. Shave away everything that lies below this line. Protect your skin with a little shaving gel. Place the safety razor on this line and shave gently downwards. If it is not smooth immediately, you can shave sideways towards the middle above your Adam's apple again. Start first from the right to the middle (if you are right-handed) and then from the left to the middle. If you are left-handed, of course, start the other way around.