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Choose the right razor and prevent irritation

Guide to shaving your head bald

Find out which razor is best for shaving your head bald and how to avoid common shaving problems such as lacerations and irritation. This guide also offers tips on the proper use of specially designed razors such as the HeadBlade and how to maintain your shaved head.

Which razor is best for shaving your head bald?

I want to shave my head bald. Which razor is best to use?

For bald head shaving, ergonomically designed razors such as the HeadBlade are the best choice. These razors have a unique shape and special features that make shaving the scalp easier and cause less irritation.

Why is the common modern razor not suitable for shaving my head?

I shave my head bald with an ordinary Gillette or Wilkinson cartridge razor. While shaving my head bald, I often get shaving wounds. How can I prevent this?

  • The ordinary modern razor is designed to shave the beard area. And is thus less suitable for shaving the head bald.
  • For bald head shaving, use the specially ergonomically designed razors from HeadBlade.
  • HeadBlade's razors have an ergonomic grip that makes head shaving smoother.
  • HeadBlade's razors are spring-loaded, allowing the razor to better follow the contours of the head. This prevents shaving wounds

How often can you use HeadBlade razor blades?

How often can I use a HeadBlade razor?

  • Of course, this depends on whether you have thin or thick hair and what shaving cream or shaving lotion you use.
  • On average, you can do 6 shaves with one HeadBlade razor.

How should I use the HeadBlade razor?

I shave my scalp bald. What is the best way to use the HeadBlade razor?

  • First, cleanse the head with a cleansing gel.
  • Wet the head with lukewarm water.
  • Apply shaving cream or shaving gel to the scalp.
  • Slide the eye of the HeadBlade razor over your middle finger.
  • Press the HeadBlade razor lightly against the head.
  • Make sure that the rear portion or wheel of the HeadBlade is always in contact with the head.
  • Shave with long, gentle, even strokes.
  • Rinse the razor regularly during shaving.

What is the best shaving method for shaving the scalp?

What is the best shaving method to use with the HeadBlade razor to shave my scalp bald?

  • It is best to shave with the hair growth.
  • Start at the crown and shave from the crown to the forehead and from the crown to the back of the head.
  • It is easier to shave the forehead bald first.
  • Always have the razor facing forward and shave your forehead.
  • Turn the razor around and then shave the back of your head.
  • After that, you can shave the sleeping part of your head bald.
  • Use your right hand to shave the right part of your head.
  • Use your left hand to shave the left part of your head.

Is the HeadBlade razor suitable for everyone?

Is the finger ring or eye of the HeadBlade razor suitable for every finger?

  • Yes, the ring is made of flexible plastic and can be adjusted to the thickness of the finger. This gives you maximum grip while shaving.
  • The razor blades in the razor holder are in a moveable click-and-attach system. As a result, the razor blade lies well flat on the skin surface.
  • The razor holder have a slightly curved shape. As a result, the razor lies well on the round shapes of the head.

How do I prevent shaving irritation while shaving my head?

I shave my head bald. How can I prevent shaving irritation, red or chapped scalp or shaving lumps?

  • First cleanse the head with a cleansing gel.
  • Wet the scalp with lukewarm water.
  • Prevent shaving wounds by not applying pressure to the razor while shaving.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth as much as possible. Do not go against hair growth.
  • Shave with long, gentle, even strokes.
  • Do not shave with blunt blades. Replace razor blades on time.
  • After shaving, use a after shave balm. After shave balm soothes and conditions the skin.

How can I best protect my bald head from the sun?

I shave my bald head. How do I prevent my scalp from sunburn?

  • After shaving, use a moisturiser with SPF factor (= sun protection factor).
  • Or use HeadLube SPF30 or HeadShade sunscreen SPF15 from HeadBlade. These lotions protect the shaven head from the sun's UV rays.
  • If necessary, protect your skin with a hat or cap.